Welcome Note

The SADC-DFRC PPP Network, as part of its mandate to develop capacity for the delivery of PPPs, has updated its website as a powerful tool for knowledge sharing.

Instead of simply referring visitors to links to other sites, we have downloaded and stored information on PPPs on the site in easy to navigate folders. Under the “Resources” tab on the homepage, visitors can browse and download information they deem relevant organized by region, country, multilateral organization and other related themes. The site is, of course, not complete and we will regularly update it to ensure that it is of relevance to SADC members and all other PPP practitioners.

We also have a registration form which invites you to become a member of our community. Everyone from both the public and private sectors is welcome and you don’t have to be within the SADC region to join. Once you register, you will be able to access the details of other members to assist in your PPP endeavors, enabling a truly useful process for capacity building and knowledge sharing. Please come back often and check on the site for regular updates!